Started this journey on 10/24/17. Today is day 1 of week 5 and I am officially down 30 lbs. I lost 30 lbs in 4 weeks and it feels amazing. This is a huge benchmark for me and I can't wait to see where it leads me in to 2018.
We are heading out for California tonight for Thanksgiving. Excited to see mom and the family. I won't be getting my food until Monday and I'm about out. I emailed nutrition support and this is what they said -
Unfortunately we haven't found any bars/shakes on the market that have the same nutritional structure. However, we do have a plan developed for when clients are without Fuelings. If you are out of meals completely then you could have three smaller lean and green meals (4 ounces of lean and 3 servings of approved vegetables per lean and green) and one serving of low-fat or fat-free dairy (e.g., milk, yogurt) each day. Choose dairy products that are about 100 calories per serving and unsweetened or no sugar added (to keep carbohydrates to a minimum). Please note that yogurt does not replace a fueling, it simply acts as a place holder because the calories and carbohydrates are similar. Yogurts do not have the same vitamins and minerals as a fueling and should only be used in “emergency” situations.
Payday Loans
7 years ago